Earning more money is probably the most obvious option for someone who needs to make their student loan payments. But this is also the most difficult out to address. Most people would already be making more money if they were capable.
Everyone immediately jumps to the conclusion they should go back to school for a degree in order to make more money. This also has the added benefit of deferring any student loans you have. Unfortunately, you will plunge into more debt, and you may be in the same boat when you graduate. Earning your degree is a gamble as there is no guarantee that you will be able to get a job or the salary you expect.
If you do proceed with college, go for an inexpensive certificate or two year degree. Many community colleges offer courses for less than $100 per credit. Blue collar jobs often pay as much as those requiring a Bachelors or Masters! Usually hands on, technical skills have the highest ROI (Return On Investment).
You can also learn on your own. Do not underrate this. It demonstrates that you are motivated, a self-starter and responsible.
If you have a skill that is currently in demand, you can teach a class. Check for teaching opportunities at local colleges, high schools (continuing education), and even some retail stores (such as Michaels if you are talented in the arts).
Starting a business is also an option, but usually requires a large investment of time and money. Research the possible drawbacks before proceeding.
Child Care Costs and 2018 Tax Changes
7 years ago